The Prawn Suit (Pressure Re-Active Waterproof Nano Suit) is a returning vehicle from the original game. To offer players a helping hand with finding some of the most frequently required resources for the Subnautica Below Zero vehicles, we've added a table that details the least dangerous areas to find them.

For those who would rather have a map to refer to, there are a few online that can offer a helping hand, making the areas mentioned below easier to find. The areas can be distinguished by their visual designs, which is handy as there is no map feature in the game. Thankfully, the game's world is separated into distinct areas that contain their own sets of common resources. So although it's all well and good knowing how to build the Subnautica Below Zero vehicles, tracking down the required materials can be a frustrating challenge. Updated on October 24, 2021, by Jack Pursey: Subnautica Below Zero's enormous ocean can make it very difficult to track down certain resources, especially when players aren't sure where to look. For anyone having trouble crafting vehicles or implementing their upgrades, here is a guide to making every vehicle in the game. Though this offers a great sense of freedom, it can also make it tricky to understand how to progress. Like any great open-world game, Subnautica Below Zero provides minimal hand-holding and guidance, letting players explore the enormous 4546B ocean in any way and any direction that they choose. Unsurprisingly, creating vehicles on an alien planet is easier said than done. RELATED: Subnautica: Below Zero – How To Earn Every Achievement Both games also let players craft vehicles to allow them to delve deeper or branch further.

Both begin with a crash on 4546B and require players to fight to stay alive in predator-infested waters. Following the positive reception of the original Subnautica, the sequel reintroduces many of the same core gameplay elements and mechanics. Subnautica Below Zero was fully released on May 14, 2021, after a successful period in early access.